Tag Archives: youth

Youth and effectiveness



In the last month I’ve met two impressive women. In age they are on either side of 40. Both are intelligent and articulate. Both have taken on risky ventures. And both are approaching their tasks with imagination and wisdom. We usually think of wisdom as coming with experience, and perhaps that is true for some people. But these women seem to have had wisdom from an early age.

Jodi Rosenbaum Tillinger, age 38, is the founder and executive director of an almost 10-year-old non-profit called More Than Words. She started the organization with a friend as a bookstore providing employment for troubled kids in Waltham. Now she has added another location on the second floor of a warehouse in the South End near the Southeast Expressway. MTW rescues both books and teens.

The books are donated—you can drop off books in good condition yourself at 242 East Berkeley Street. Continue reading